7 research outputs found

    Running Simultaneous Kepler Sessions for the Parallelization of Parametric Scans and Optimization Studies Applied to Complex Workflows

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    AbstractIn this paper we present an approach taken to run multiple Kepler sessions at the same time. This kind of execution is one of the requirements for Integrated Tokamak Modelling platform developed by the Nuclear Fusion community within the context of EUROFusion project[2]. The platform is unique and original: it entails the development of a comprehensive and completely generic tokamak simulator including both the physics and the machine, which can be applied for any fusion device. All components are linked inside workflows. This approach allows complex coupling of various algorithms while at the same time provides consistency. Workflows are composed of Kepler and Ptolemy II elements as well as set of the native libraries written in various languages (Fortran, C, C++). In addition to that, there are Python based components that are used for visualization of results as well as for pre/post processing. At the bottom of all these components there is a database layer that may vary between software releases, and require different version of access libraries. The community is using shared virtual research environment to prepare and execute workflows. All these constraints make running multiple Kepler sessions really challenging. However, ability to run numerous sessions in parallel is a must - to reduce computation time and to make it possible to run released codes while working with new software at the same time. In this paper we present our approach to solve this issue and examples that show its correctness

    Simulation of MGI efficiency for plasma energy conversion into Ar radiation in JET and implications for ITER

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    Effectiveness of massive gas injection (MGI) for mitigation of disruptive wall damage has been investigated. Cross-reference analysis of the available JET experiments on MGI and their simulations with the TOKES code allow suggesting that in JET conditions one can convert into radiation the electron thermal energy and the plasma current energy, but the ion thermal energy does not convert into radiation because of very ineffective excitation of injected noble gas (NG) ions by D ions and long equipartition time between D ions and electrons. The model assumes rather high electron temperature during current quench (CQ), which contradicts with its time duration. Rough extrapolation of the result on ITER conditions shows that one can expect irradiation of total plasma energy if CQ duration in ITER is not shorter as in JET

    The development of safe high current operation in JET-ILW

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    The JET tokamak is unique amongst present fusion devices in its capability to operate at high plasma current, providing the closest plasma parameters to ITER. The physics benefits of high current operation have to be balanced against the risks to the integrity of the machine due to high force disruptions. The installation of the ITER-Like Wall (ILW) has added risks due to the thermal characteristics of the metal Plasma Facing Components. This paper describes the operational aspects of the scientific development of high current H-mode plasmas with the ILW, focusing on disruption prediction, avoidance and amelioration. The development yielded baseline H-mode plasmas up to 4 MA/3.74 T, comparable to the maximum current achieved in JET in Carbon-Wall (CFC) conditions with similar divertor geometry